Products We Deal With.

Money Market Funds

Money market funds are mutual funds that invest in short-term, low-risk securities such as…

Balanced Funds

A diversified investment vehicle that combines growth and income by investing across…

Fixed Income Funds

What are Fixed Income Funds?Fixed income funds primarily invest in bonds or other..

Equity Funds

Equity funds in Kenya invest in shares of publicly listed companies across various stock exc..

Treasury Bills and Bonds

Treasury bills and bonds are short-term and long-term debt instruments issued by the..


In Kenya, stocks represent ownership shares in companies listed on the..

Individual Pension Plan

An Individual Pension Plan (IPP) is a personalized retirement savings scheme..

Umbrella Schemes

Umbrella schemes are registered retirement savings programs that allow..


Mansa-X, a product by the Standard Investment Bank (SIB), is a CMA-certified multi..